Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Interest Politics And The National Rifle Association...

The concept of interest groups has become mainstream as a result of their salience in the political world. The work and reputation of bodies such as the National Rifle Association permeate media coverage. Interest groups are powerful, connected, and motivated organizations of people with a specific goal driving their political actions. They often lobby to pass bills that have their interests at heart and mobilize members to advocate for community action that the group supports. What may not be as well-known to the public is the notion of interest politics, the energizing force behind interest groups and other similar, less formal organizations. It is through the work of interest politics that people can organize to advocate for their interests, which can have complex consequences. However, the application of interest politics need not always be strictly politically oriented. And while the group may achieve a collective goal, others may be alienated or otherwise set aside as a result. This consequence may be overlooked in the unerring pursuit of one’s own objectives. In this paper, I will argue that interest politics are the mechanisms by which actors define or create deviance and enforce power. In doing so, I will discuss the interconnected nature of deviance, power, and interest politics, as well as define and analyze moral entrepreneurs, and finish with an investigation into the social control enacted by interest politics. Interest politics serve as a connection betweenShow MoreRelatedMasculinity in the Philippines12625 Words   |  51 Pagesarmies, colonial and national, propagated a culture, nay a cult of masculinity. Recent historical research has explored the ways that rising European states reconstructed gender roles to support military mobilization. To prepare males for military service, European nations constructed a stereotype of men as courageous and women as affirming, worthy prizes of manly males. In its genius, the modem state-through its powerful propaganda tools of education, literature, and media-appropriated the near-universalRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pagesderail Anglo–French rail link. Ryanair – competitive challenge and strategic choice in the budget airline industry. IKEA – quality and low prices at the Swedish furniture giant News Corporation – corporate logic and corporate management in a worldwide media busin ess. CRH – impressive international growth of an Irish company driven from a ‘lean’ corporate centre. Numico – difficulties with diversification for a Dutch nutritional products company. AIB – competing in the global banking industry: the challengesRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagestwenty-first century’s economic, social, and political churning, how will these driving factors be influenced by the brutally competitive global economy in which organizations do not have any particular geographic identity or travel under any particular national passport? What will be the effect of the rapid gyrations in markets that emphasize the difficulties that accounting practices face in determining true performance costs and that forecasting programs confront in establishing the economic determinantsRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesExecutive editor: Richard T. Hercher, Jr. Developmen tal editor: Gail Korosa Associate marketing manager: Jaime Halterman Project manager: Harvey Yep Production supervisor: Carol Bielski Designer: Mary Kazak Vander Photo researcher: Jeremy Cheshareck Media project manager: Cathy Tepper Cover image:  © Veer Images Typeface: 10.5/12 Times Roman Compositor: Aptara ®, Inc. Printer: Worldcolor Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Larson, Erik W., 1952Project management: the managerial process

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